Sebastian R.“Sometimes you need some support which facilitates to question and resolve particular situations in the life. Rachel was my coach for a couple of months and was a great person who was able to share her knowledge and by being practical, we developed several strategies which helped me to resolve questions of my life. She specifically focused on my professional development and by understanding my goals and objectives she proposed a list of steps which were clear and concise instructions to follow and apply. During our sessions there was always a good communication, she was very helpful in trying to define a problem and how to tackle the situation without being in panic or giving up. The ability to cheer me up and always find a way to solve particular situations whereas, was a skill that a good mentor should have and Rachel was one of the persons with that.… Read more “Sebastian R.” Great Teacher!My two sons came to the Netherlands, hardly speaking any English and had to go to an International School. Rachel was their English Trainer from the beginning and for many months. The boys really loved the lessons! The materials she used were very good and varied often. She worked a lot with the boys on grammar and vocabulary and they improved very, very quickly and enjoyed the time with her. She is a great teacher!! Doris H. Patricia V.-de G.“To whom it may concern, I herewith confirm that Rachel has coached en guided me during several weeks in the period of april, may and juni 2016. She gave me good advice and always listened very good. She really helped me when I needed help the most. I would recommend her to all my friends if they needed a coach. Yours faithfully, Patricia V.-de G.” Daniella G.Hoi Rachel, Hierbij nog even een recensie. Aangezien wij van de zomer naar New York zijn verhuisd ivm werk. Hadden wij besloten om onze zoon van te voren een aantal Engelse lessen te laten volgen zodat het voor hem wellicht wat makkelijker zou zijn als hij al wat basiskennis zou hebben. De lessen waren altijd leuk opgebouwd en bestonden niet uit alleen maar stilzitten en woordjes leren, maar er was ook altijd een spelletje of iets dergelijks. Afgezien van het feit dat onze zoon er niet altijd zin in had, zijn we wel blij dat we het gedaan hebben. Laatst zei hij; “ mam ik heb toch wel wat gehad aan de lessen met Rachel”. Een groter compliment kun je volgens mij niet krijgen. Hopelijk heb je er wat aan. Groet, Daniella G. Nicole T.Engels is leuk! Ook voor kinderen! Onze zoon had al jong interesse in de Engelse taal en is daarom Engelse les gaan volgen bij Rachel de Franca.Rachel is een lieve vrouw, en ze is goed met kinderen. Ze heeft ook verstand van zaken. Jonge kinderen pikken dingen snel op,dus er wordt al een basis gelegd. En dat is mooi meegenomen! Ik zou zeggen: doen! Nicole , de moeder van Mees. Florence W.Hi, My name is Florence W., a registered nurse from Uk. I interacted with Rachel for a period of about 6 months. I was introduced by my friend who lives in Holland. We had whatsapp chats lasting one hour every tuesdays sometimes on my request twice a week. My marriage broke down and lost job same time . The counseling sessions were helpful and got me through this very rough time of my life. Am still in touch with Rachel. Great lessonsI really appreciate your lessons. Paulina had always fun and she learned so much from you. You stayed always calm and friendly, even when she was not that concentrated anymore. Wish you all the best! Mirjam Deptuch super begeleidingDankzij Rachel haar uitleg en geduld hebben onze kinderen hun cijfer voor Engels goed opgehaald, mede dankzij haar zijn zij met een mooi cijfer overgegaan naar de volgende klas. Zij begrepen Engels een stuk beter! Vera en Lars Brenda K.Hoi Rachel Hierbij een stukje !!! Altijd weer een leuke en originele Engelse les van juf Rachel. Vooral de Engelse les waar we over fruit gingen leren ! Juf had tientallen soorten fruit mee die we in het Engels leerden en mochten opsnoepen ook. De kids zijn gek op Engels leren op een speelse manier ! Groetjes Brenda Sonia M.Utrecht, 28th July, 2017 To whom it may concern: My name is Sonia M., I am consultant and researcher from Chile and I have worked for the public and private sectors in Chile and Brazil during the last eight years. During 2016, living in The Netherlands I started my job search and a friend recommended me Rachel, after having a successful experience with her guidance as a career coach. From December 2016 until March 2017 we had weekly sessions with Rachel by Skype, and after four months I accomplished my goal of being hired as a researcher in The Netherlands. Currently, I work for the CWTS, Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University, performing research in the field of Bibliometric and Science research. Since the first sessions with Rachel, she demonstrated immediately enormous and innate talent as a coach professional. During that time, she accompanied me through the… Read more “Sonia M.” |